Thursday, February 16, 2012

''AP Essay Questions'' Questions

Well, what was expected you ask? I expected to be writing an essay. That was the main one. From my experience the first question in an AP question is the easiest to address. It is basically a small description of an occurrence in the book. The second is usually more in depth. Such as ''Describe how this furthered the plot of the novel and how the author addresses.....blah blah blah.'' Something of that nature. Which is often the time where I stare blankly at the wall for a few minutes trying to gather my thoughts. I can write a solid essay given time. When it comes to the ''crunch time'' style it takes me a while. I constantly rethink my thoughts (I know thats slightly redundant but its what happens...) For the actual test, a pre-write will probably save my hide. It'll help me better organize my thoughts.

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